Hive World supplies several different options of comb sections for you to choose from when you decide to produce comb honey:
- English wooden comb honey sections. Place in a section rack on top of the honey supers. This is the premium product using the traditional style sections. We supply cardboard boxes to use for selling the sections as well as cellophane bags to place the section combs in for enhanced protection.
- Wooden Full Depth or 3/4 Depth frames with plastic sections. The full depth frame takes 12 x 250g sections while the 3/4 depth takes 8 x 250g. We also supply plastic covers for protecting the comb once it is completed. Refills are available so you can re-use the system year after year.
Apibox Maxi Comb Honey System
$34.35 – $43.39
Apibox Maxi is an easy-to-use system for preparing honeycomb for sale. It uses a 35mm wide basswood frame (wide enough to hold two rows of containers), and special PET food grade recyclable plastic boxes that fit neatly in your super either with your regular frames or as a whole super load.
When the boxes are filled out all you need to do is simply close the lid on each packet and you have 24 attractively presented packs of comb honey for sale. The sections hold up to 125g of comb honey in each. We also supply the replacement packs of 24 boxes to use in your frame next time.
The usual precautions for producing comb honey remain:
- Do not harvest comb after the end of December in tutin areas.
- Always ensure the honey is tested before sale.
- To produce the best quality comb honey you must insert your boxes right at the peak of the honey flow so the bees fill out the comb quickly.
See our blog on comb honey for more information –
Cellophane Bags x 28
Cellophane bags in packs of 28 to protect your comb sections and prevent leakage in the cardboard cases. These bags will enhance your product while protecting the honeycomb for the market.
Ensure your product is untainted and well presented. Place the comb section inside the bag and then fit it snugly inside the cardboard cover.
English Comb Honey Sections x 28
Hive World supplies these premium English wooden comb sections in packs of 28.
Requires thin wax foundation 105 x 105mm:
Supplied as a flat pack. Before folding the sections into shape, dampen the timber. This will soften it and prevent breaking the edges. (see page 212 of the Practical Beekeeping in New Zealand book)
Section Divider
Hive World sells these 4 section size Plastic Section Dividers in packs of 8 to place between each row of sections in your section rack. This prevents bees making brace comb and ensures an attractive level capping for each comb section.
Suitable for Langstroth as well as Dadant, National and WBC racks.
These dividers are easy to clean and have no sharp corners. Most importantly they are “warmer” for the bees.
Manufactured in 1mm polystyrene.
Priced per 8 dividers.
Section Rack complete
Hive World supplies a complete comb honey package for you including the wooden section rack with support base and spring clips and 28 wooden comb sections (for you to assemble) with thin wax foundation squares to enclose and cardboard cases for the finished product. Also included are 8 x plastic dividers to keep your comb nice and clean.
This is the premium way of producing comb honey with the traditional wooden frames. For best results put the sections on in the peak honey flow so the bees build quickly.
Do be aware of the danger of tutin poisoning if you are wanting to do this north of Kaikoura and in the North Island – best to avoid comb honey production from January through to July if you are in a tutin risk area. Look up the MPI Compliance Guide for the food standard for more information –
Some photos courtesy of Arron Baker.