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Hive World carry the complete range of hiveware components necessary to set up your beehives. The HiveWorld Starter Pack contains everything you need (apart from the bees) to get going. Our quality galvanised hive lids, hive mats, supers and baseboards are all sourced from reputable New Zealand suppliers. They are available as kitset for economy or can be made up on demand. An exciting new option is our polystyrene Paradise BeeBox Hiveware range – see link: /product-category/hiveware/paradise-hiveware-system/ We stock frame wire and rivets to make up your full-depth wooden frames. Crimp tools and wire embedders will make it easy to properly fix the wax foundation. Wax foundation is available in medium and heavy grade for wiring, thin for comb honey. We also supply Complete Plastic Frames in both 3/4 and Full Depth and Full Depth and 3/4 Depth Plastic Foundation Inserts . We supply 3 different styles of Queen Excluders for you to select from: The economical flexible plastic style is gentle on the bees wings. Rigid plastic style includes a bee space. Both plastic options are good to use with oxalic treatment as there is no rust worries. Galv metal with a wooden frame provides a strong option that…
Hive World supply all you need to set up your hive boxes ready to go. You can order a complete Hive World Starter Kit (all you need except the bees) or a Budget Kit (good if you are requiring extra hives). As well as these easy options we also now offer a range of Ready-to-Go boxes for you to select from. We now supply Paradise Hiveware for a deluxe option for your bees comfort with the advantage of extra productivity. See our special section on this well-proven product. Also available are wooden nuc boxes supplied either as a ready-to-go package or in flat pack for easy delivery. Remember to order hive lid and mat if choosing the flat pack option. Check out our Nuc Boxes section. Siting Your Hives: Although it can travel several kilometres to search for a source of nectar and pollen, the worker bee prefers to work within a kilometre radius. The presence of nectar producing plants nearby will be favourable to the healthy development of your colonies. Proximity of water is also important especially at the end of winter and spring when the nurse bees dilute the honey intended for the larvae. The use…
Nuc Boxes
Hive World supplies either traditional wooden nuc boxes (in a kitset or ready to go package) or EPS Paradise Nucs for housing your swarms and splits. Why would you use a Nuc as opposed to a regular hive? Because there is not so much room in a nuc, the colony is more focussed on their work. The bees can keep the nuc warm with less effort due to the smaller area. A warmer nuc means the queen will lay more brood quicker. You will therefore get a strong ready-to-go hive sooner. Once all the frames are combed and the weather has warmed up, you can then move them into a regular hive to multiply freely.
Hive Package Kits
Hive World hive package kits supply all you need to set up your apiary ready to go. You can order either a complete Hive World Starter Kit (all you need except the bees) or a Budget Kit . This is a complete hive (including top feeder/queen excluder etc) which is a good option if you are requiring extra hives but don’t require beesuit, smoker or tools. As well as these easy options, we also now offer a range of Ready-to-Go boxes for you to add to your hive/s as the season progresses. See below for the full range.
Paradise Hiveware System
The Paradise Hiveware System from Finland provides a healthy environment for your bees all year round. This is achieved due to the excellent thermal property of the EPS100 (Expanded Polystyrene) product used in their manufacture. This ensures your bees are able to use all their energy in brood and honey production as they do not have to work so hard to warm the hive. Read on to discover: Benefits of the Paradise Polystyrene Beehives Improved Overwintering: Dry and warm through cold and damp winters thus increasing the survival rate and overall health of your bee colonies. These hives also enable bees to be productive through extremely hot summers.This is due to the excellent thermal performance which provides a healthy environment for honeybees all year round. Traditional wooden hives are susceptible to condensation build-up thus exposing colonies to diseases such as Nosema. The Paradise system provides more than six times the insulation value of a wooden hive and provides the same protective thermal mass as if they were living in a large hollow tree. Faster Spring Buildup: The queen is able to lay right out to the edge frames in the brood chamber due to the consistent temperature and additional warmth…
Hive Accessories
Hive Accessories Hive World stocks Galvanised lids with either galvanised emlocks or woven polyester ratchets to secure your hive. Traditional wooden bases or the Hive Doctor style Full Depth and 3/4 Depth commercial grade wooden supers Hive mats Queen excluders in 3 styles Entrance reducer/Mouseguard and the HiveGate Frame perch for stacking frames while checking your hive.
Frames and Frame Assembly
Frames and Frame Assembly: includes all you need to get your frames into action! Foundation inserts, both wax (in all grades from thin to heavy) and plastic are available. We sell our wooden frames ready assembled and wired for your convenience. However, we still supply frame wire, rivets, wax embedders and crimpers to assist you in making your wooden frames up with wax foundation. Plastic frames – clip together for ease of use – are great for making comb honey. One of our styles (HCM-FR-3-04) is suitable for using with 500g clear comb honey cassettes for ready made comb honey to sell. Hive World stocks both 3/4 and Full depth Certified Virgin Plastic frames with foundation.
Feeders: Hive World has a range of popular styles to assist you in ensuring your bees have the best chance of survival through winter and then preparing for the spring/summer honey flow. We suggest that you leave as much honey as you can in the hive through winter (at least one super). However, don’t neglect your feeding in the spring. It is very important to keep a close eye on your bees at this time as it is well known that the strongest hives can be in the worst danger of starving if they are unable to forage due to a patch of bad weather. Feeders come in varying styles to suit all situations. Entrance with a beaker are great for your nucs or splitting hives. Portable entrance are a good way to give extra water to the hive as well as being easy to see how much the bees are getting without disturbing the hive. Top feeders are an ideal solution for winter when you do not want to open up the hive (and chill it down). Frame styles are easy for the bees to access and are safe from robbing. Our 3/4 depth divided frame feeder enables…
Did you realise your beehive was a multi product factory? Not only can you harvest honey and honeycomb* and beeswax (assembled escape boards, 8 way escapes and plastic porter escapes provided to empty your supers of the bees to begin your harvest) BUT there are also other goodies! Did you know? Propolis is an essential substance in the life of the hive that bees use for many purposes. control of the flight hole opening according to climatic variation weather proofing the hive by blocking holes to insulate against wind and rain coating the interior walls of the hive to remove irregularities as a disinfectant, spreading a very thin film inside the cells before the queen comes to lay mixed with wax and used to “embalm” small animals or insects which have been killed by the bees but are too large for the bees to remove. To harvest propolis: (Depending on the breed it can be more than 300g per year) the beekeeper can use several methods – simply scrape queen excluder, undersides of hive mats and feeders, interior walls of hives (excluding bottom trays which are too dirty). Unfortunately the propolis obtained this way is full of impurities and wood…
Hive management
Hive Management is the nitty-gritty of caring for your buzzing beauties. We stock a range of products to assist you in coping with the reality of thousands of bees in situ. Beekeeper Protection: First off you will need some protective clothing – look no further! Hive World stocks all you need: Full Hiveworld Ventilated Beesuits and Jackets, sturdy Hiveworld Regular suits and of course, our top quality BJ Sherriff Apiarist Beesuits. These, along with gloves from lightweight to long-lasting washable styles as well as nitrile suitable for working with oxalic acid. A good Smoker is an essential aid in your hive management. Hive World carries two economy styles, the Standard (Large or Medium) and the European. This model comes with an inner tank for longer life. We’d like to introduce you to our quality Empire Stainless Steel Smoker made by Thorne in England. This top-of-the-range model comes in two sizes- Standard and Large, both with guards. If you are only planning a quick check we recommend Apifuge, our deterrent spray from Thomas Apiculture in France. This product can be sprayed on your hands and clothing to keep the bees off. To Attract Swarms: Our swarm attractant, Charme Abeilles aerosol spray is a…
Bee Health
Bee Health: To keep your hives buzzing it is essential to maintain the inmates health. Hygiene Adequate food with all the necessary vitamins and proteins – ( This is where Probee41 nutritional supplement comes in handy) Protection from disease and mites (Varroa treatment such as Oxalic Acid and Bayvarol) Suitable temperature and moisture control Some things are out of the beekeepers control; for instance if you have ever experienced an AFB outbreak you will know the heartbreak and helpless feeling this brings. However, we have to provide the best conditions we can. Site the hive in a sheltered sunny spot away from damp and not exposed to the prevailing wind. Keep surrounding shrubbery down to a reasonable level. Protect the hive with an entrance reducer to keep out small rodents and enable the bees to better defend their home from robbing and wasp attacks. Bees are great at looking after their own health but a little assistance doesn’t go amiss. Ensure the floor of the hive is kept reasonably free of debris and remove grubby old comb and dirty frames. For warmth, bees can maintain an ambient temperature inside the hive but if you are constantly opening the lid to…
Feeding your Bees: If you are harvesting honey you will need to supplement your bees diet. This is necessary during the winter if you have weaker hives. However, it is most important to feed your bees in the spring build up. This will ensure your hives are at their peak for the summer honey flow. Beekeepers commonly use sugar syrup at different strengths for different times of the year. During the winter it is recommended to use a 2-1 mixture of sugar to water for feeding your bees. During spring a 1-1 mix is sufficient. However, sugar syrup only provides basic energy. Bees require minerals and protein (pollen) for health. See our blog for some interesting new research from Lincoln University – For a nutritious mix we recommend Probee41. This will ensure your bees are given the best possible chance to prosper. This formula is an organic 100% natural mixture of oils of medicinal plants and flowers. It has been shown to strengthen the hives natural resistance to varroa and other diseases. Furthermore, it will increase the brood health and queen laying ability. Refer to our Probee41 page to read all the information about this great new product.
Varroa Treatments
Varroa Treatments: We recommend Oxalic acid. This is a reliable and eco-friendly varroa treatment for your beehive. Varroa mites do not build up resistance to this naturally occurring product therefore you can use it constantly. (That is, apart from when the honey flow is on). It is also an economical method to use. There are two ways of applying oxalic acid to your hives. Firstly: By sublimating oxalic crystals using a vaporiser/sublimator inserted into the hive. We supply both a commercially viable treatment device – the Sublimox – as well as an economical option for the hobbyist – the Vapmite. Hive World sells Oxalic Acid in 350g and 750g jars for economy and convenience. Important Note: Remember, Oxalic Acid is a toxic and corrosive substance that can be harmful to health. During the filling of your devices as well as during treatment it is essential to wear a face mask, gloves and long sleeved clothing. The second method is to place strips in the hive that have been soaked in a mixture of oxalic acid and glycerine. This is similar to using the chemical treatment strips. You have to place strips in each hive and then remove them after 8…
Beekeeper Protection
When approaching your beehives, you want to be well covered with no vulnerable bits for nasty natured bees to take advantage of. (I know there are lots of beekeepers who scorn the protection of gloves and veils. However, for the rest of us it greatly adds to our enjoyment of beekeeping to be able to work our hives with confidence). Beesuits It is important to find a comfortable, well-made beesuit in which you feel safe with the maximum visibility. We can guarantee this with our Sherriff suits but not everyone is convinced of this so we have options. Our Hive World Air beesuits and jackets are a superior ventilated style suit that will keep you covered and comfortable. Our Hive World Pro beesuit is a quality regular style beesuit with all the features you require for working the apiary. A new addition is our children’s beesuits available in sizes 120 – 150cm. Beekeeper Tip: Choose clothing that is light in colour as bees are inclined to look on dark colours as a possible future nesting site if they are feeling swarm-ish! Of course the mesh on your veil needs to be dark for enhanced visibility. Due to the clarity of…
Hiveworld Beesuits
We are proud to present our very own Hiveworld Beesuits, available in two styles, the Hiveworld Air (a beautifully light 1-layer comfortable suit) and the Hiveworld Pro style. The Hiveworld Air is also available in a jacket. These styles all have a fencing veil hood and have proven their quality in the apiary. There can’t be a better commendation than repeat purchasing! The Hiveworld Pro is also available in childrens sizes. Adult beesuits are available in sizes XS to XXXL. Check our product sizing chart for the correct fit.
Beekeeping Gloves
Hive World stock a range of beekeeping gloves to suit everyone. Top of the range is the beautiful washable leather gloves which will last you for a long time with care. Super comfortable to wear with a fitted cotton cuff for extra luxury. Furthermore, they are available in a wide range of sizes from 6 – 12 which means correct fit for everyone! Our middle range offering is a sturdy leather glove with a strong cotton gauntlet. These gloves are well made and reliable thus ensuring you will get great service from them. They are imported from Thomas in France and come in sizes 7-12. Goatskin gloves provide an economical option as well as being lightweight to increase dexterity. Available in sizes Small to XXLarge. Small will fit a child’s hand (our 7 year old was comfortable in it). The Ventilated style is available in sizes Large to XXL. As well, we stock Nitrile gloves with a pack discount, ideal for working with chemicals and for a different option to try. Beekeeping gloves are a very personal choice as it is essential to feel comfortable and be able to carry out your hive management with confidence.
Paraffin Dipping
Hive World’s own manufacture: the Paraffin Dipping Tank. The Hive World Paraffin Wax Dipping tank has been carefully designed to make this potentially dangerous job safer and easier. There is no need to put your hands anywhere near the hot wax because the boxes are lowered into the wax as you close the lid. The two lids with clamps allow two boxes to be dipping while you are securing the next boxes ready. While the second lot are being dipped, the first ones quickly drain and are ready for you to paint and replace with the next lot for dipping. Lids have drain holes to allow the drained wax to return to tank The sides of the tank are insulated Tank comes with overflow pipe in case of boilover Temperature gauge for correct/safe temperature regulation Includes 2 x 4 ring gas burners Testimonials from satisfied customers state that they have tried cheaper models but this is #THE BEST#
Queen Raising
Click the link below to watch an amazing video of a queen emerging: Queen rearing is a fascinating and important part of beekeeping. The queen should be replaced every two years to ensure the healthy growth of the hive. This will also reduce problems with swarming. Every beekeeper needs to understand the amazing way a living hive works rather than just collecting honey from their supers. It is fascinating to study the relationship of all the bees in the hive organism. Spend time researching the theory and finding out all you can before you start your queen rearing adventure. Hive World’s queen-rearing products will then enable you to undertake this interesting task with confidence. The Hambly Queen Dial is an invaluable educational tool to assist you on the path to success. We have two methods of queen breeding available. The traditional grafting tool is used to transfer the larvae into queen cell cups. The larvae should be less than 24 hours old to produce the strongest queens. Grafting is the oldest and most universally used method of queen rearing. The second method is the nicot style kit. This way, the queen is locked in the cage and lays directly…
As a beekeeper, you will be well aware of your responsibilities to the hives under your care. As well as this, there are government regulations in relation to them. Every hive must be registered in order to provide accurate talleys of bee populations in any given area. This is also important in order that you can be notified in case of outbreak of disease in your area. Our hive stencil is a super-easy way of marking your hives to advertise your ownership. HiveGate is the new way of combating wasps and robbing in hives. This New Zealand invention brings the hive entrance inside the hive thus allowing the bees to defend in strength. Because it narrows the entrance the bees have an easier job maintaining an ambient environment and can concentrate their strength on growing the colony. This results in stronger, healthier hives.
Tools and Consumables
Tools and Consumables: Hive World supplies all the tools and consumables you will need to manage your hives. Our range includes basic hive tools and uncapping tools as well as “charme des abeilles” bee charm spray and paste to attract swarms to new hives. Two special products we’d like to bring to your attention are our “Big Brute” harvest tool and the “Turbo-Pro” uncapper. We stock a wide range of smokers from the economical workhorse through to top quality, made in England “Empire” stainless steel thoroughbreds. Also available is “Apifuge” a useful spray for clothing and hands to assist in deterring bees. Have a browse through the following selection before making your choice.
Hive Tools
Hive World offers a varied selection of hive tools to enable you to find the most convenient for your purpose. As with any tool-of-trade, choice of a suitable hive tool is a personal matter. The hive tool will be your most important piece of equipment during your hive checks. Therefore, you need to be comfortable with handling it. It is also important to be aware of the best way of using each function. Hive tools have three main functions: Firstly, to slide in between the hive mat and the top super, or between supers, and gently lever them apart. To do this you need to break the propolis the bees use to glue them together. Then, to separate frames within the hive and lift them slightly to enable you to remove them for inspection. Lifting them also lets you know if the frames are joined on to frames underneath. (Bees can join these together with brace comb. When you lift the top super off, the frames below come too!!). Finally, to scrape propolis, wax and other bee products from the hive and frames in order to keep them tidy during inspections. This also needs to be done when cleaning down…
Smokers and Smoke Substitutes
Hive World offers a range of smokers and smoke substitutes to keep your bees under control in any situation. Our economical standard and large smokers are perfect for the hobbyist. However, when you need a long-term reliable smoker we would recommend our English-manufactured Empire smokers. Our Apifuge Bee Calm spray has proved to be a boon to pilots helicoptering hives into the hinterland. Spray on hands and clothing to deter the bees when you are unable to be safely suited up for visibility reasons. We also supply hessian sacks, washed and weathered ready for you to cut to your own requirements. Please contact us for availability and pricing.
Did You Know? The earliest trace of beeswax comes from the Anatolian Neolithic age. Initially practised by hunters of wild honey, the harvest of beeswax from domestic hives spread throughout the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. This amazing natural product was one of the main ingredients used by the Egyptian embalmers. This was due to its hydrophobic and anti-bacterial properties. As well as the manufacture of candles, beeswax is an essential product in the waterproofing and preservation of many materials. These include wood, leather and even metal. Nowadays man benefits from its soothing anti-inflammatory properties and rich vitamin A content in the making of cosmetics such as creams, lotions, ointments and lipbalm. Hive World supplies wax foundation of all grades from thin to manuka for use in your frames. We also sell the Viseco Hot Wax Sprayer for applying the wax to your plastic frames. This also has other applications, for instance applying to furniture, flooring, surfboards and skis as well as metalspinning. We supply all you need to make beautiful candles with our silicon candle moulds. This is a lovely way to use up any spare beeswax your busy bees produce. To produce beeswax suitable for re-use we…
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Do you have spare beeswax that you would like to use to make beautiful candles? Hive World has some lovely silicon rubber moulds for you to try. These moulds will last you for years with care and you will be proud of your product. We also stock the correct wick to use and wick holders to hold the wick firm and a wicking needle to push it through the hole in the mould. Our bain-maries come in three sizes – 900ml, 1.5L and 2.5L and are ideal for melting your beeswax safely and pouring the wax into the moulds. Easy Instructions: Melt the wax in your wax melting pot. Prepare your mould by inserting the wick cut to the right length. Position the rubber bands around the mould to hold it together correctly. Wrap the wick around the wick holder to hold it firm. Pour the wax. Let stand at room temperature for at least 2 hours until the candle has set. Then carefully trim the wick. Remove rubber bands and carefully open mould being careful not to rip it further than it is split already.
Beeswax foundation is the classic favourite for using in hives. Many beekeepers consider it to be the best for the bee. This is hardly surprising considering it is the bees own manufacture! Hive World stocks top quality New Zealand beeswax in 3 grades: Thin (suitable for comb honey) Medium (the good all rounder) Heavy (good for stronger honey such as manuka and to build up comb faster).
Hot Wax Sprayer
Hive World Hot Wax Sprayer Hive World supplies you with all the products required to collect, melt and purify your valuable beeswax. Beeswax can then be used for spraying on foundation as well as making candles, wax polishes etc. Our Viseco Hot Wax Sprayer is the most efficient way to coat your plastic foundation. Simple, speedy application ensures you have complete control over the quality and quantity of beeswax applied. As a result of its German manufacture, this quality tool does a beautiful job. This handy sprayer has many other uses such as applying protective coatings on metal products in the metalspinning industry as well as spraying on floor polish and even creating art!
Wax Processing
Wax Melters With pricking becoming a more common practise as opposed to uncapping, beeswax is becoming harder to obtain and it makes sense to fully utilise your own resources. We can assist you with quality designed, fully tested and guaranteed products manufactured by Thomas Apiculture in France: The Spin Dryer for your cappings extracts the maximum amount of honey without breaking the beeswax into micro-pieces thus saving on extra filtration. It holds up to 10kg of cappings. The 82L capacity Wax Melting Tank renders down and purifies your beeswax. It has an even temperature heat rate due to the circular design. A full load is melted in 20 minutes. As well as these larger models we also have great solutions for small commercial and hobbyists: Our useful little stove-top Bain-Maries are great for hobbyists as well as an aid to melting extra beeswax for your sprayer. They come in three sizes: 900ml, 1.5 and 2.5L. They’re also useful for melting chocolate, making custards and lemon honey etc. The 1.5 and 2.5L models are suitable for using on an induction hob. The 35L Digital control Wax Melter from Australia is a very popular model. We can also supply 15 and…
In The Honey House
Now we come to the real point of beekeeping – when you reap the rewards of the girls hard work. Hive World carries a range of equipment to make this job simpler and less messy. Our useful uncapping tray holds the frame at an easy angle to allow the honey to drain into the large capacity tank. You can slice the cappings off with either our electric or serrated uncapping knife. Otherwise you can prick the comb with our uncapping roller (the best way with manuka) or use a capping scratcher. This handy tool is also useful for checking brood health. The latest aid is the turbo-pro uncapper. This nifty tool tidily removes the cappings with the minimum of waste but the maximum of efficiency. We have several different options in stock to take the effort out of extracting: Electric Extractor – 4-frame tangential 2 sizes of Manual Extractors – a 2-frame and a 4-frame model You will find a strainer essential for removing bee bits and wax from your honey after extracting. The nylon cappings strainer is useful for purifying the wax when melted as well as getting the dregs of honey out of your wax cappings. It is…
Uncapping and Extracting
[video width="626" height="360" mp4=""][/video] Hive World supplies a good range of products to assist you in extracting honey from your frames. This is the rewarding part of bee husbandry, the sweet prize for enduring all those stings! You have a choice of: manual and electric extractors (see our blog for information on what type to purchase ) serrated and electric uncapping knives uncapping roller capping scratcher strainers nylon, stainless and perfection honey gates Our uncapping tray holds your frames while you uncap them and allows them to drain into the large container (included). Store your frames securely in the container until you are ready to harvest them. Our 20L pails are sturdy and come with a honey gate and sealable lid to store your honey in. We also stock a handy pail perch which you can use to safely drain your buckets without risking sticky mess everywhere! In order to make life easier, we have put together a handy uncapping bundle for you which includes all your requirements for harvesting. For larger operators, we can provide quotations for extracting lines and componentry manufactured by Thomas in France. If you are interested we can send you further information on these…
Honey Storage
Honey Storage is a major concern. Even one hive can produce from 15 – 30kg easily in a season. Once your honey has been extracted you will need to store it somewhere where the bees can’t get it. Hive World supplies food grade plastic 20L pails complete with re-sealable lids as well as a honey gate that are excellent for this job. Our thermostatically controlled stainless steel heated honey tank are a great option. Naturally hygienic, these tanks have a water-jacket heating element. Makes it super easy to decant the honey when needed.
Honey Treatment
Honey Treatment is necessary in the following situations: After honey has been kept for a length of time, especially at lower temperatures it will tend to solidify and sometimes crystallizes. Certain types of honey, such as pohutukawa, are very susceptible to crystallization. In no way does this affect the quality of the honey and you can easily remedy crystallization by gentle heating. Do not overheat the honey however, as this can destroy the health benefits inherent in natural honey. (Here is where our Stainless Steel heated honey tank comes in handy.) Creaming honey is a way of preventing crystallization by seeding with 10% of pre-creamed honey. You then mix it regularly over a period of a couple of weeks. Either use creamed honey left over from your last years crop or buy some from the shop. See our blog - If you are working with commercial quantities, please contact us. We can help you with more detailed information on honey creamers and mixing tanks for your honey treatment.
Packaging options are your concern now you have come to the end of the honey trail. Your beautiful product is ready to put on the market. It just needs to be packed in jars and presented attractively, ready for buyers or as a top of the range gift for someone special. We can supply PET jars for you from stock. 400ml (500g) and 200ml (250g) square clear jars with white or black pressure seal lids. For lovely presentation we have now got jute bags in stock – see our range below. A little bit of bee motif ribbon strategically added can give a WOW factor to your product. We are exploring more options so watch this space. The other important packaging is for comb honey and Hive World sells the premium product for this: English wooden sections to pop in your hive for the bees to fill up. We also stock the cardboard cases to use for packing this top product. For an alternative look, we sell the Apibox system which turns out neat little clearview PET packages of honey (24 per full depth frame). For an economical option we sell 6 x 500g full depth plastic frame comb kits…
Bottling is a tricky business – getting the jars in just the right position for the flow from your honey pail or other storage container. Never turn your back at the wrong moment or you will have one major sticky mess to deal with! It is necessary to ensure your honey is at a correct temperature to flow when bottling – this is where a honey warming tank comes in handy. We supply a variety of honey gates to suit all tastes (including the best – the Perfection style, available in 3 sizes).
Comb Sections
Hive World supplies several different options of comb sections for you to choose from when you decide to produce comb honey: English wooden comb honey sections. Place in a hanging frame or in a section rack on top of the honey supers. This is the premium product using the traditional style sections. We supply cardboard boxes to use for selling the sections as well as cellophane bags to place the section combs in for enhanced protection. Plastic Full Depth or Wooden 3/4 Depth frames with plastic sections. The full depth frame takes 6 x 500g sections while the 3/4 depth takes 8 x 250g. We also supply plastic covers for protecting the comb once it is completed. The Apibox system which comes with pre-textured plastic boxes (with fitted lids) for the bees to fill. A plain plastic frame to hold your foundation without wire. This allows you to cut to any shape you desire once the comb is capped. Comb Honey is a very popular and rewarding method of producing honey. For best results, you should put your sections into the hive at the height of the spring flow. This ensures that the bees will fill the comb quickly and…
Hive World stocks only quality PET jars made in New Zealand. These premium quality jars are available in 3 sizes: 750g hexagonal shape, 400ml square as well as 200ml square. Our jars are sold in packs of 4 x 750g and 10 x 400ml and 10 x 200ml for your convenience. Supplied complete with tamperproof plastic lids and seals in order to protect and enhance your product. Remember, your packaging choice is very important to the success of your product. The clearview plastic allows the consumer to see clearly the beautiful product within. Furthermore, quality food grade plastic made in New Zealand is your guarantee that food safety specifications are being met.
Packaging and Presentation
Packaging and Presentation: Now your harvest has been bottled safely, you will be considering how to present it to the best advantage. Hive World has some eco-friendly packaging and presentation ideas to enhance your product. Honey is a premium natural product and as such, deserves the best. Whether you are simply wanting to give a gift pack to a deserving friend or workmate, or make your product stand out in the local shop, we have some great solutions for you. Jute bags hold 3 x 250g or 2 x 500g jars. Cardboard boxes hold 3 x 250g jars. Paper carry bags with a rustic bee design are also available. As well as these products we also stock ribbon trim with a bee motif to promote the theme.
All About Bees
All About Bees – Gifts for the Bee Lover: Hive World stock some interesting products you can give to your favourite beekeeper any time of year! From umbrellas to toolbelts, from soap to teatowels. (Don’t forget a pair of beautiful washable protective leather gloves from Peauceros in France or a Sherriff beesuit …) Our expanding range now includes cute bee themed fridge magnets and keyrings. As we find more interesting items – watch this hot space! Take a look at the reading material section – hints on ways to use your beeswax as a starter as well as Honey Cookery. A useful book for the family reference shelf is “Insect Bites and Stings”. Our essential starter kit book “Starting with Bees” is also a good beginning read. Ideas for the young bee enthusiast include childrens beesuits and activity ideas such as a cardboard model hive and a cut-out and colour informative wheel chart. “My First Honeybee Book” is an easy to read source of knowledge about these amazing insects.
Gifts for the Beekeeper: Are you stuck for a present for your favourite beekeeper or bee lover? Look no further – Hive World has a solution for you below. From cute kitsch to practical stuff we are getting the market covered! Watch this space for new additions as we come across them! Hive World stocks a beautiful range of bee-themed tea-towels to choose from: As well as these products, don’t forget how appreciative any beekeeper would be to receive a beautiful Sherriff bee suit or pair of washable Leather Gloves – /product-category/hive-management/beekeeper-protection/sherriff-clothing/ We also include beesuits for the younger enthusiast – an ideal birthday present or reward for good bee-haviour!/product/childrens-beesuits/
Hive World sources some interesting beekeeping themed books for your reference. These include recipes and ideas for using bee products such as honey and beeswax. Hints on treatment of bee-stings and other insect bites are important for the beekeeper to be aware of. We will be building up our library as we find suitable books of interest to you. Feel free to let us know topics you are interested in and we will do our best to source them for you. Despite the internet age, there is nothing like a good reference book to be able to refer back to constantly!
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Product categories
All About Bees
Hot Wax Sprayer
Wax Processing
Hive management
Bee Health
Varroa Treatments
Oxalic Strips
Beekeeper Protection
Beekeeping Gloves
Hiveworld Beesuits
Paraffin Dipping
Queen Raising
Tools and Consumables
Hive Tools
Smokers and Smoke Substitutes
Frames and Frame Assembly
Hive Accessories
Hive Package Kits
Nuc Boxes
Paradise Hiveware System
In The Honey House
Honey Storage
Honey Treatment
Uncapping and Extracting
Comb Sections
Packaging and Presentation
Special Offers
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