
Hive World stocks all your hiveware essentials. Check out our product range below with your choice of componentry to suit your chosen method.


From complete starter kits (including suit and essential tools) through additional hives, ready-to-go supers to individual componentry.  Also, check out our Paradise EPS hives for extra thermal support for your bees.

Hive Accessories:

Seasonal accessories to assist your apiary through the year (queen excluders, entrance reducers etc.)

Frames and Frame Assembly:

Your choice of wooden frames and beeswax or plastic in the frame department.


Comb Honey options, escape boards and our Big Brute harvest tool.


All you need to ensure you can supply your bees with the extras they need to survive and thrive from top feeders through frame feeders to entrance feeders.

  • Frame Wire Stainless Steel 500g


    Hive World stocks 500g rolls of Stainless Steel Frame Wire used for wiring your wooden frames ready for wax foundation.

    Wooden frames should always be wired horizontally to provide a strong framework for brood or extracting frames in which wax foundation is to be used.  We suggest you use our brass frame rivets to protect the wood from gouging when wiring up your frames.  Our crimp tools will tighten the wire as good as new so you can re-use your wired frames again and again.

  • Brass Frame Rivets 200g bag


    Hive World sells our Brass Frame Rivets in handy 200g bags.

    Use them on your timber frames to prevent the wire snapping or damaging the frame.

    Simply punch the rivet into the pre-drilled hole on the  frame and then thread the wire through the eye of the rivet.  This prevents the frame wire from gouging the end bars and holds the horizontal wires tight.

  • Flexible Propolis Mat


    Hive World’s high quality flexible Propolis Mat won’t crack when harvesting propolis.

    This is a great way of adding income to your hive.  Simply replace your inner cover (hive mat) with the propolis mat in your hive and raise the lid slightly to allow light in.   This encourages the bees to make more propolis to cover the hole.  When the mat is full, freeze in a large plastic rubbish bag.  When chilled you can easily twist the mat and loosen the propolis.

    N.B:  Autumn is the typical peak propolis production time.

  • Wire Crimper Tool


    Hive World’s Plastic Crimping Tool makes tightening your frame wire easy.  Simply place the metal wheels either side of the wire and grip firmly and slide along the wire.  This tightens and crimps the wire at the same time without straining either the wire or your hand. This keeps your frame wire  supporting the wax foundation properly so the bees can draw out the comb evenly.

  • 8 Way bee escape


    The large size of this 8-way bee escape makes it easy to remove the bees from your supers with minimal re-entry when you are ready to harvest.   The easiest way to use this is to attach it to a hive mat to make your own escape board.

    Remember that bees will not leave a super that has the queen or brood in it.   You need to have the escape board above a super that has a queen excluder on top to ensure the queen is not in the super requiring emptying.  Once the escape board is in position, leave the hive for up to 24 hours to allow time for the bees to leave the super.  It is best not to leave much longer than this as the bees will find their way back!

    Available in a multi-pack of 10 for economy.

    Please Note:  Make sure you have enough room in the supers below the one(s) you are emptying to accommodate all the bees moving down.

  • Double Bee Escape Plastic


    Our plastic Porter Bee Escape is used to empty the honey supers for harvesting.  It is advisable to put two escapes on each escape board in case one gets blocked, also this will clear the supers much quicker.  Ensure the hive parts are all bee-tight and you should have no problems with robbing.

    Bee Escape boards are particularly suitable for urban apiaries as you will need to make two visits to the hive – one to install the escape board and the second to remove the supers once the bees have gone down.

    Available in multi-pack of 10 for economy.

  • Entrance Reducer/Mouse Guard Metal


    Hive World’s Entrance Reducer/Mouse Guard is made from zinc plated steel.  Beehive Entrance Reducers are used especially in the autumn and winter when the bee traffic slows down and other wildlife is looking for an easy food source and warm place to settle.

    The reducer slots into two metal holders each side of the hive entrance to keep it in place. It helps to protect the hive from robbing by narrowing the entrance and giving the bees a better chance to defend their hive.  It also helps prevent wasps and mice entering.

    When you are moving your hives, you can turn the reducer over and it safely locks the bees in, yet still provides adequate ventilation.

  • Frame Perch


    Our Stainless Steel Frame Perch balances on the edge of your hive and holds up to 3 frames easily, giving you all the room you need to work inside the hive.

    If you have ever knocked over a frame leaning against the hive you will know why this is such a good idea!  It also keeps your frames clean and saves you bending down unnecessarily.