Hive World has sourced some interesting beekeeping themed books for your reference.

Despite the internet age, there is nothing like good reference books to be able to refer back to constantly!  Some, such as Practical Beekeeping, are required reading for the serious beekeeper in New Zealand. Take a browse through our growing library of informative books.  You will find recipes for your surplus honey as well as interesting facts and hints on beekeeping from experienced beekeepers.  Choose one for a gift for someone special or to enhance your knowledge or simply enjoy a pleasurable read yourself!

  • ABColouring Book


    ABColouring book will give your artistic children loads of fun colouring in and reading the story about Belinda Bee and her hive-mates.  An interesting way to teach kids facts about bees while having fun.

    A book your favourite junior bee-lover will love to colour and keep.

  • AFB Elimination Manual


    Hive World stocks the AFB Elimination Manual – an essential reference book for any beekeepers library.  Written by a New Zealander and based on New Zealand conditions.

  • Bees at the Bottom of the Garden

    Original price was: $34.70.Current price is: $27.75.

    20% Off

    Here is a great book to introduce you to the joys of beekeeping!

    “Bees at the Bottom of the Garden” by Alan Campion is a wonderful book to give anybody interested in keeping their own bees.

    Beautifully illustrated with line drawings by Gay Hodgson and very informative, this is an enjoyable book for all who wish to find out more about bees and how to care for them.

  • Cardboard Model Hive


    Here’s a different idea –  Something for your bored junior beekeeper on a rainy day!

    A pushout, fold and stick kit of a Model Beehive to bring the outdoors in.

  • Control of Varroa


    Control of Varroa :  A Guide for New Zealand Beekeepers is one of the essential books that every beekeeper should possess (and read).

    Ensure you have your copy now.

  • Insect Bites and Stings by Dr. Harry Riches


    Insect Bites and Stings by Dr Harry Riches is an informative guide to prevention and treatment which is recommended reading for all of us who enjoy the great outdoors (actually indoors as well, as that isn’t always insectproof!)

    Order your copy below –

  • Manuka: The biography

    Original price was: $25.22.Current price is: $19.99.

    21% Off

  • Practical Beekeeping in New Zealand


  • Secrets of the Beehive


    Are you looking for a fun activity to help explain the wonder of the bee’s life cycle to a child?

    Voila! Here is a cut out information wheel chart for children to colour, cut out and glue together for their own reference.

  • Starting With Bees


    Starting With Bees

    An introduction to hobby beekeeping published by the National Beekeepers Association.

    A great little book to read to provide you with a broad outline which you will continue to fill in during the rest of your beekeeping career!