Did You Know?

The earliest trace of beeswax comes from the Anatolian Neolithic age.  Initially practised by hunters of wild honey, the harvest of beeswax from domestic hives spread throughout the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East.  This amazing natural product was one of the main ingredients used by the Egyptian embalmers.  This was due to its hydrophobic and anti-bacterial properties. As well as the manufacture of candles, beeswax is an essential product in the waterproofing and preservation of many materials. These include wood, leather and even metal.  Nowadays man benefits from its soothing anti-inflammatory properties and rich vitamin A content in the making of cosmetics such as creams, lotions, ointments and lipbalm.

Hive World supplies:

  • wax foundation of all grades from thin to heavy for use in your frames.
  • We supply all you need to make beautiful candles with our silicon candle moulds.  This is a lovely way to use up any spare beeswax your busy bees produce.
To produce beeswax suitable for re-use we can supply equipment for melting, spindrying, pressing and purifying.  Give us a call for assistance and quotation for your needs.

  • Wick Holder


    These small wooden clips hold your wick firmly in place when making beeswax candles.  They measure 119mm long.

  • Wick Sustainers


    Wick Sustainers Bag of 25.

    Use in tealight or nightlight candle base to stabilise the wick.

  • Wicking Needle


    Hive World supplies this 6″ (152mm) long wicking needle especially for threading wick through latex or glass candle moulds.

  • Frame Wire Stainless Steel 500g


    Hive World stocks 500g rolls of Stainless Steel Frame Wire used for wiring your wooden frames ready for wax foundation.

    Wooden frames should always be wired horizontally to provide a strong framework for brood or extracting frames in which wax foundation is to be used.  We suggest you use our brass frame rivets to protect the wood from gouging when wiring up your frames.  Our crimp tools will tighten the wire as good as new so you can re-use your wired frames again and again.